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Anti-power theft drive continues, KE recovers 400kg kundas

Anti-power theft drive, K-electric, power theft,

KARACHI: K-electric has recovered 400 kilograms of kundas as the anti-power theft drive continues in Karachi, ARY News reported.

According to the K-electric spokesperson, the use of kundas not only bypasses safety protocols for infrastructure installed by utilities, it also impairs the provision of uninterrupted electric power to a particular region.

In this regard, KE teams took action against such kundas in a recent illegal connection (kunda) removal drive in North Karachi Industrial Area – primarily near unplanned settlements.

The spokesperson stated that such operations are conducted on a frequent basis in order to improve the quality, efficiency and safety of power supply in regions where power theft is detected. In the KE operation approximately 400KG of kunda wire were removed in the illegal activity.

Furthermore, the statement said that KE constantly communicates to its customers, communities and area representatives about the hazards of using kundas which presents a grave risk and cause for fatality.

At the same time, the company encourages them to apply for new connections or regularize themselves through the installation of meters through proper channels and ensure the safety of their loved ones and community, KE added.


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